High tech monopoly’s profits breakdown 2022
/ ves

What is the Light Field?
/ lighting, photography



The light field consists of the total of all light rays in 3D space, flowing through every point and in every direction.

How to Record a Light Field


MidJourney – Terms Of Service item 10
/ A.I., ves



10. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity
We provide the service as is, and we make no promises or guarantees about it.
You understand and agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any loss of profits, use, goodwill, or data, or for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages, however they arise.
You are responsible for your use of the service. If you harm someone else or get into a dispute with someone else, we will not be involved.
If you knowingly infringe someone else’s intellectual property, and that costs us money, we’re going to come find you and collect that money from you. We might also do other stuff, like try to get a court to make you pay our attorney’s fees. Don’t do it.

Autodesk open sources RV playback tool to democratize access and drive open standards
/ production, software





“Autodesk is committed to helping creators envision a better world, and having access to great tools allows them do just that. So we are making RV, our Sci-Tech award-winning media review and playback software, open source. Code contributions from RV along with DNEG’s xStudio and Sony Pictures Imageworks’ itview will shape the Open Review Initiative, the Academy Software Foundation’s (ASWF) newest sandbox project to build a unified, open source toolset for playback, review, and approval. ”


Current AI development and trends
/ A.I., ves

Texel Density measurement unit
/ production

Texel density (also referred to as pixel density or texture density) is a measurement unit used to make asset textures cohesive compared to each other throughout your entire world.

It’s measured in pixels per centimeter (ie: 2.56px/cm) or pixels per meter (ie: 256px/m).





Mohsen Tabasi – Stable Diffusion for Houdini through DreamStudio
/ A.I., production





This is a Houdini HDA that submits the render output as the init_image and with getting help from PDG, enables artists to easily define variations on the Stable Diffusion parameters like Sampling Method, Steps, Prompt Strength, and Noise Strength.

Right now DreamStudio is the only public server that the HDA is supporting. So you need to have an account there and connect the HDA to your account.
DreamStudio: https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/membership



Zibra VDB Compression – a new solution, bringing groundbreaking OpenVDB format to game development
/ software


Zibra VDB Compression is the newest ZibraAI solution, being developed to bring film-quality VFX into games with GPU-powered compressed VDB effects.


Born from a custom AI-based technology, it makes it possible to:

  • Compress huge VFXs, created in different tools and stored in OpenVDB format, up to 20 times, and add more high-quality volumetric VFX to the game, filling it with lifelike visuals, all without increasing the build size;
  • Render volumetric effects in game engines in real-time;
  • Reuse a volumetric effect in multiple use cases, optimizing memory consumption;
  • Change the way the effect looks in different parts of the project with shaders, regulating color, density, and playback speed, all according to your needs.

Our VDB compression solution also opens new possibilities for realistic scene lighting. With our tech, you can use light data from VFX to light up a scene, add reflections, etc, making your game much more immersive and true to life.

Lightfield capture to LookingGlass “Quilt” image
/ software



Quilts are an image standard that Looking Glass uses to produce 3D experiences. This standard is used to describe both still and moving images (pictures and videos).

The main benefit of the quilt format is that it can work for both images and videos! Quilts allow for an efficient way to store frame by frame data as .mp4, .webm or other common media formats. They’re also compact. for example, the above quilt was compressed to be under 1MB of data!


Each tile in the quilt is a conventional 2D image of a scene. The bottom-left tile of the quilt (view 0) is the leftmost view of the scene, and the top-right tile is the rightmost, like so:


Python3 coding differences
/ python, software



    • Print Statement
    • input() function (returns a string in 3.x; under 2.x use raw_input instead)
    • Unicode Literals
    • Exceptions
    • Rounding
    • List comprehension
    • Generators
    • string.replace is not available anymore
    • reload() should be replaced with import importlib; importlib.reload()
    • As of Python version 3.7, dictionaries are ordered. In Python 3.6 and earlier, dictionaries are unordered but insertion ordered.


AI Dresses by MaryAnna
/ A.I., design



Created by Discord user: @MaryAnna