Creating Clouds in Maya using Particle Clouds
/ reference, software

I have reposted here a VERY old cloud tutorial.


Mysterious animation wins best illusion of 2011 – Motion silencing illusion
/ colour, cool

The 2011 Best Illusion of the Year uses motion to render color changes invisible, and so reveals a quirk in our visual systems that is new to scientists.


“It is a really beautiful effect, revealing something about how our visual system works that we didn’t know before,” said Daniel Simons, a professor at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. Simons studies visual cognition, and did not work on this illusion. Before its creation, scientists didn’t know that motion had this effect on perception, Simons said.

A viewer stares at a speck at the center of a ring of colored dots, which continuously change color. When the ring begins to rotate around the speck, the color changes appear to stop. But this is an illusion. For some reason, the motion causes our visual system to ignore the color changes. (You can, however, see the color changes if you follow the rotating circles with your eyes.)




Google Martha Graham by Ryan Woodward
/ animation

Open Culture free educational lectures
/ reference

The best free cultural & educational media on the web

The Goon
/ trailers
Vivian Maier photography
/ photography

An incredible story. Vivian Maier was a nanny who lived in Chicago for most of her life and passed away in 2009 at the age of 83. Little more is known about her, except that she was an avid street photographer. Her work was discovered at an auction in 2007, more than 100,000 negatives and undeveloped rolls of film, sold by a storage facility who were cleaning out her locker for delinquent rent.

Maya improved inverse foot rig
/ software

Yet another old tutorial that needs a new space


850 METERS teaser
/ trailers

Exeter – making of
/ production

/ photography

Blockbusters blow budgets, deadlines
/ ves


All of Hollywood seems to be still figuring this out, and as a result, the tentpole pattern is now well established:


• A movie demands you’ve-never-seen-this-before visual effects both for marketing and story;
•Ambitious plans and a short schedule leave little margin for error;
•Inevitable schedule problems trigger urgent meetings among studio execs, vendors and filmmakers to get the project back on track;
•”911″ emergency calls go out to almost any vfx shop in the world that can take on some last-minute work;
•Everyone runs a harrowing race to deadline despite all the extra help.

Collapse, rest, repeat.



Mind tools
/ production

The full Mind Tools toolkit contains more than 600 management, career and thinking skills.

Grant Wakefield Adapt-O-Dolly for timelapse showreel
/ hardware