DiffusionLight: HDRI Light Probes for Free by Painting a Chrome Ball
/ lighting, photography, production










“a simple yet effective technique to estimate lighting in a single input image. Current techniques rely heavily on HDR panorama datasets to train neural networks to regress an input with limited field-of-view to a full environment map. However, these approaches often struggle with real-world, uncontrolled settings due to the limited diversity and size of their datasets. To address this problem, we leverage diffusion models trained on billions of standard images to render a chrome ball into the input image. Despite its simplicity, this task remains challenging: the diffusion models often insert incorrect or inconsistent objects and cannot readily generate images in HDR format. Our research uncovers a surprising relationship between the appearance of chrome balls and the initial diffusion noise map, which we utilize to consistently generate high-quality chrome balls. We further fine-tune an LDR difusion model (Stable Diffusion XL) with LoRA, enabling it to perform exposure bracketing for HDR light estimation. Our method produces convincing light estimates across diverse settings and demonstrates superior generalization to in-the-wild scenarios.”


Protected: Jan van den Hemel – Blender Secrets
/ blender, production

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Convert 2D Images to 3D Models
/ A.I., blender, Featured, production, software






Resin 3D printing beginners step by step guide
/ 3Dprinting, production

Supplies You Will Need

  • A Respirator (for Resin printing)
  • A Backup Power Supply (great for when the power goes out)
  • Nitrile Gloves (Latex gloves will NOT be good enough)
  • IPA Alcohol (99.9%) – For cleaning resin
  • Many many paper towels

NOTE: Resin printing is known to suffer from bending or warping, so it is not suggested for structural or modular pieces

Intel Open Image open source Denoiser
/ production, software

Intel Open Image Denoise is an open source library of high-performance, high-quality denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracing. Intel Open Image Denoise is part of the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit and is released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license.


The purpose of Intel Open Image Denoise is to provide an open, high-quality, efficient, and easy-to-use denoising library that allows one to significantly reduce rendering times in ray tracing based rendering applications. It filters out the Monte Carlo noise inherent to stochastic ray tracing methods like path tracing, reducing the amount of necessary samples per pixel by even multiple orders of magnitude (depending on the desired closeness to the ground truth). A simple but flexible C/C++ API ensures that the library can be easily integrated into most existing or new rendering solutions.


At the heart of the Intel Open Image Denoise library is a collection of efficient deep learning based denoising filters, which were trained to handle a wide range of samples per pixel (spp), from 1 spp to almost fully converged. Thus it is suitable for both preview and final-frame rendering. The filters can denoise images either using only the noisy color (beauty) buffer, or, to preserve as much detail as possible, can optionally utilize auxiliary feature buffers as well (e.g. albedo, normal). Such buffers are supported by most renderers as arbitrary output variables (AOVs) or can be usually implemented with little effort.



Tom Hanks on his debut novel “The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece”: Nothing comes easy if you learnt all through mistakes… 
/ production, ves



Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump, Philadelphia, A League of Their Own) on his debut novel “The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece,” the insecurities he’s felt throughout his career, and what drives his passion for filmmaking when it feels like “the odds are stacked against you.”

Nothing comes easy if you learnt all through mistakes… 

HuggingFave ai-comic-factory – a FREE AI Comic Book Creator
/ A.I., composition, production, software




this is the epic story of a group of talented digital artists trying to overcame daily technical challenges to achieve incredibly photorealistic projects of monsters and aliens



Pika Labs – generate AI videos from stills with embedded text messages
/ A.I., production, software



generate AI videos with encrypted text message using this amazing new mind-blowing feature from Pika Labs !

  • command: /encrypt_text
  • message: The text to encrypt
  • prompt: The theme of the video, previous parameters still apply
  • image (optional): A reference image for the video theme.
  • font (optional): you can choose from 5 available font styles
  • -w: A weight factor for the embedded message
  • -size: The size of the embedded text