Python for beginners
/ python, software



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Visual Code Studio – Free. Built on open source. Runs everywhere code editor.
/ production, python, software


Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity).
Python and TCL: Tips and Tricks for Foundry Nuke
/ Featured, production, python, software

Check final image quality

Local copy:


Nuke tcl procedures




# return to the top

# check if Nuke is running in UI or batch mode
nuke.env['gui'] # True or False

# prformatted font to use in a text node:
liberation mono

# import node from a path
# Replace '/path/to/your/script.nk' with the actual path to your Nuke script
script_path = '/path/to/your/script.nk'
# Create the node in the script
mynode = nuke.nodePaste(script_path)
# or
mynode = nuke.scriptReadFile(script_path) #asynchronous so the code wont wait for its completion, mynode  is empty
# same as 
mynode = nuke.tcl('source "{}"'.format(script_path))
my node will be empty and it wont select the node either
# or synchronous
mynode = NukeUI.Scriptlets.loadScriptlet(script_path) 

# connect a knob on an internal node to a parent's knob
# add a python expression to the internal node's knob like:
# or the opposite
not nuke.thisNode().parent()['falseColors'].getValue()
# or as tcl expression
1- parent.thatNode.disable

# check session performance
Sebastian Schütt – Monitoring Nuke’s sessions performance
nuke.startPerformanceTimers() nuke.resetPerformanceTimers() nuke.stopPerformanceTimers() # set a project start and end frames new_frame_start = 1 new_frame_end = 100 project_settings = nuke.Root() project_settings['first_frame'].setValue(new_frame_start) project_settings['last_frame'].setValue(new_frame_end) # disable/enable a node newReadNode['disable'].setValue(True) # force refresh a node myNode['update'].execute() # or myNode.forceValidate() # pop up UI alert warning nuke.alert('prompt')   # return a given node hdriGenNode = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export') clampTo1 = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export.Clamp To 1')   # access nodes within a group nuke.toNode('GroupNodeName.nestedNodeName')   # access a knob on a node hdriGenNode.knob('checkbox').getValue()   # return the node type topNode.Class() nuke.selectedNode().Class() nuke.selectedNode().name()   # return nodes within a group hdriGenNode = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export') hdriGenNode.begin() sel = nuke.selectedNodes() hdriGenNode.end()   # nodes position node.setXpos( 111 ) node.setYpos( 222 ) xPos = node.xpos() yPos = node.ypos() print 'new x position is', xPos print 'new y position is', yPos # execute a node's button through python node['button'].execute() # add knobs div = nuke.Text_Knob('someTextKnob','') myNode.addKnob(div) lgt_name = nuke.EvalString_Knob('lgt1_name','LGT1 name', 'some text') # id, label, txt myNode.addKnob(lgt_name) lgt_size = nuke.XY_Knob('lgt1_size', 'LGT1 size') myNode.addKnob(lgt_size) lgt_3Dpos = nuke.XYZ_Knob('lgt1_3Dpos', 'LGT1 3D pos') myNode.addKnob(lgt_3Dpos) lgt_distance = nuke.Double_Knob('lgt1_distance', ' distance') myNode.addKnob(lgt_distance ) lgt_isSun = nuke.Boolean_Knob('lgt1_isSun', ' sun/HMI') myNode.addKnob(lgt_isSun ) lgt_mask_clr = nuke.AColor_Knob('lgt1_maskClr', 'LGT1 mask clr') lgt_mask_clr.setValue([0.12, 0.62, 0.115, 0.65]) lgt_mask_clr.setVisible(False) myNode.addKnob(lgt_mask_clr) # add tab group knob lightTab = nuke.Tab_Knob('lgt1_tabBegin', 'LGT1, nuke.TABBEGINGROUP) myNode.addKnob(lightTab) lightTab = nuke.Tab_Knob('lgt1_tabEnd', 'LGT1', nuke.TABENDGROUP) myNode.addKnob(lightTab) # note if you have only one tab and you are programmatically adding to the bottom of it # remove the last endGroup node to make sure the new knobs go into the tab myNode.removeKnob(myNode['endGroup']) # python script knob remove_script = """ node = nuke.thisNode() for knob in node.knobs(): print(knob) if "lgt%s" in knob: node.removeKnob(node.knobs()[knob]) node.begin() lightGizmo = nuke.toNode('lgt%s') nuke.delete(lightGizmo) node.end() """ % (str(length), str(length)) lgt_remove = nuke.PyScript_Knob('lgt1_remove', 'LGT1 Remove', remove_script) myNode.addKnob(lgt_remove ) # link checkbox to function through knobChanged hdriGenNode.knob('knobChanged').setValue(''' nk = nuke.thisNode() k = nuke.thisKnob() if ("Jabuka_checkbox" in print 'ciao' ''') # knobChanged production example my_code = """ n = nuke.thisNode() k = nuke.thisKnob() if"sheetOrSequence" or"showPanel": #print(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue()) if nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 0.0: n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['masterAppendClip_lastFrame'].getValue()) elif nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 1.0 : n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['masterContactSheet_lastFrame'].getValue()) """ nuke.toNode("JonasCSheet1").knob("knobChanged").setValue(my_code) # retrieve the knobChanged callback node['knobChanged'].toScript() # nuke knobChanged callback # “knobChanged” is an “hidden” knob which holds code executed each time that we touch any node’s knob. # Thanks to that we can filter some user actions on the node and doing cool stuff like dynamically adding things inside a group. # This follows the node code = """ knob = nuke.thisKnob() if == 'size': print "size : %s" % knob.value() """ nuke.selectedNode()["knobChanged"].setValue(code) def find_dependent_nodes(selected_node, targetClass): dependent_nodes = set() visited_nodes = set() def recursive_search(node): if node in visited_nodes: return visited_nodes.add(node) dependents = node.dependent() for dependent_node in dependents: print(dependent_node.Class()) if dependent_node.Class() == targetClass: dependent_nodes.add(dependent_node) recursive_search(dependent_node) recursive_search(selected_node) return dependent_nodes find_dependent_nodes(node, 'Write') # nuke changed through a nuke callback def myCallback(): # Code to execute when any checkbox knob changes print("Some checkbox value has changed!") n = nuke.thisNode() k = nuke.thisKnob() if"myknob" or"showPanel": print('do this') nuke.addKnobChanged(myCallback) nuke.removeKnobChanged(myCallback) # remove it first every time you wish to change the callback # nuke callback production example (note this will need to be saved in a place that nuke can retrieve: def sheetOrSequenceCallback(): # Code to execute when any checkbox knob changes #print("Some checkbox value has changed!") n = nuke.thisNode() k = nuke.thisKnob() if"sheetOrSequence" or"showPanel": #print(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue()) if nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 0.0: n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['masterAppendClip_lastFrame'].getValue()) elif nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 1.0 : n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode( + '.MasterSwitch')['masterContactSheet_lastFrame'].getValue()) # Add the callback function to the knob nuke.addKnobChanged(sheetOrSequenceCallback) nuke.removeKnobChanged(sheetOrSequenceCallback) # more about callbacks
# return all knobs for label, knob in sorted(jonasNode.knobs().items()): print(label, knob.value()) # remove a knob for label, knob in sorted(mynode.knobs().items()): if 'keyshot' in label.lower(): mynode.removeKnob(knob) # work inside a node group posNode.begin() posNode.end()   # move back to root level nuke.Root().begin() # Add a button link to docs import webbrowser browser = webbrowser.get('chrome') site = 'https://yoursite'   # return all nodes nuke.allNodes() # python code inside a text node message [python -exec { import re import json output = 'hello' ... ... }] [python output]   # connect nodes blur.setInput(0, read) # label a node blur['label'].setValue("Size: [value size]\nChannels: [value channels]\nMix: [value mix]") # disconnect nodes node.setInput(0, None)   # arrange nodes for n in nuke.allNodes(): n.autoplace()   # snap them to closest grid for n in nuke.allNodes(): nuke.autoplaceSnap( n )   # help on commands help(nuke.Double_Knob)   # rename nodes node['name'].setValue('new') # query the format of an image at a given node level myNode.input(0).format().width()   # select given node all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for i in all_nodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(False) myNode.setSelected(True)   # return the connected nodes metaNode.dependent()   # return the input node metaNode.input(0)   # copy and paste node nuke.toNode('original node').setSelected(True) nuke.nodeCopy(nukescripts.cut_paste_file()) nukescripts.clear_selection_recursive() newNode = nuke.nodePaste(nukescripts.cut_paste_file()) # copy and paste node alternative node = nuke.selectedNode() newNode = nuke.createNode(node.Class(), node.writeKnobs(nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY | nuke.TO_SCRIPT), inpanel=False) node.writeKnobs(nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS | nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY | nuke.TO_SCRIPT)   # set knob value metaNode.knob('operation').setValue('Avg Intensities')   # get knob value writeNode.knob('file').value() # get a pulldown choice knob label pulldown_knob = node[knob_name] pulldown_index = pulldown_knob.value() # Get the current index of the pulldown knob pulldown_label = pulldown_knob.enumName(pulldown_index) # link two knobs' attributes # add knob link k = nuke.Link_Knob('attr1_id','attr1') k.makeLink(, 'attr2_id.attr2')   # link two knobs between different nodes sel = nuke.selectedNode() lgt_colorspace = nuke.Link_Knob('colorspace', 'Colorspace') sel.addKnob(lgt_colorspace) Read1 = nuke.selectedNode() sel.knob('colorspace').makeLink(, 'colorspace') # link pulldown menus
Ben, how do I expression-link Pulldown Knobs?
This syntax can be read as {child node}.{knob} — link to {parent node}.{knob} nuke.toNode('lgtRenderStatistics.Text2').knob('yjustify').setExpression('lgtRenderStatistics.yjustify') nuke.toNode('lgtRenderStatistics.Text2').knob('xjustify').setExpression('lgtRenderStatistics.xjustify')   # create a grade node set to only red and change its gain mg = nuke.nodes.Grade(name='test2',channels='red') mg['white'].setValue(2) # remove a node nuke.delete(newNode)   # get one value out of an array paramater mynode.knob(pos_name).value()[0] mynode.knob(pos_name).value()[1]   # find all nodes of type write writeNodesList = [] for node in nuke.allNodes('Write'): writeNodesList.append(node)   # create an expression in python to connect parameters myNode.knob("ROI").setExpression("parent." + pos_name) # link knobs between nodes through an expression ( Transform1.scale # connect two checkbox knobs so that one works the opposite of the other (False:True) node = nuke.toNode('myNode.Text2_all_sphericalcameratest_beauty') node.knob('disable').setExpression('parent.viewStats ? 0 : 1') # connect parameters between nodes at different level through an (non python) expression maskGradeNode.knob('white').setExpression('parent.parent.lgt1_maskClr') # connect parameters between nodes at different level through a python expression nuke.thisNode().parent()['sheetOrSequence'].getValue() # or using python in TCL [python {nuke.thisNode().parent()['sheetOrSequence'].getValue()}] # multiline python expression in TCL [python {nuke.thisNode().parent()['sheetOrSequence'].getValue()}] [python {print(nuke.thisNode())}] # multiline python expression from code with a return statement nuke.selectedNode().knob('which').setExpression('''[python -execlocal x = 2 for i in range(10): x += i ret = x]''', 0) # connect 2d knobs on the same node through a python expression nuke.thisNode()['TL'].getValue()[0] + ((nuke.thisNode()['TR'].getValue()[0] - nuke.thisNode()['TL'].getValue()[0])/2) # To add this as a python expression on each x and y of a 2d knob newLabel_expression_x = "[python nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[0\] + ((nuke.thisNode()\['TR'\].getValue()\[0\] - nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[0\])/2)]" newLabel_expression_y = "[python nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[1\] + 10]" node['lightLabel'].setExpression(newLabel_expression_x, 0) node['lightLabel'].setExpression(newLabel_expression_y, 1) # note this may launch some errors when generating the node # a tcl expression seems to work best newLabel_expression_x = "lgt" + str(length) + "_tl.x() + 20" newLabel_expression_y = "lgt" + str(length) + "_tl.y() + 20" lgt_label.setExpression(newLabel_expression_x, 0) lgt_label.setExpression(newLabel_expression_y, 1) # load gizmo nuke.load('Offset')   # set knobs colors hdriGenNode.knob('add').setLabel("<span style="color: yellow;"&gt;Add Light") # or at creation, add knob with color lgt_LUX = nuke.Text_Knob('lgt%s_LUX' %str(length),"<font color='yellow'> LUX",'0') # id, label, txt # or when creating the knob manually: <font color='#FF0000'>Keyshot 1 or <font color='red'>Keyshot 1 # set color knob values hdriGenNode.knob('lgt_maskClr_1').setValue([0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.8]) hdriGenNode.knob('lgt_maskClr_1').setValue(0.4,3) # set only the alpha # return nuke file path nuke.root().knob('name').value()   # write metadata metadata_content = '{set %sName %s}\n{set %sMaxLuma %s}\n{set %sEV %s}\n{set %sLUX %s}\n{set %sPos2D %s}\n{set %sPos3D %s}\n{set %sDistance %s}\n{set %sScale %s}\n{set %sOutputPath %s}\n' % (lgtName, lgtCustomName, lgtName, str(maxL[0]), lgtName, str(lgt_EV), lgtName, str(lgt_LUX), lgtName, string.replace(str(pos2D),' ',''), lgtName, string.replace(str(pos3D),' ',''), lgtName, str(distance), lgtName, string.replace(str(scale),' ',''), lgtName, outputPath) metadataNode["metadata"].fromScript(metadata_content) # read metadata # metadata should be stored under the read node itself under one of the tabs readNode.metadata().get( 'exr/arnold/host/name' )   # return scene name nuke.root().knob('name').value()   # animate text by getting a knob's value of a specific node: [value Read1.first]   # animate text by getting a knob's value of current node: [value this.size]   # add to the menus mainMenu = "Nodes" ) mainMenuItem = mainMenu.findItem( "NewMenuName" ) if not mainMenuItem : mainMenuItem = mainMenu.addMenu( "NewMenuName" ) subMenuItem = mainMenuItem.findItem( "subMenu" ) if not subMenuItem: subMenuItem = mainMenuItem.addMenu( "subMenu" ) return [ mainMenuItem ] menus = myMenus() for menu in menus: menu.addCommand('my tool', 'mytool.file.function()', None)   # add aov layer nuke.Layer(mynode, [mynode +'.red', mynode +'.green', mynode +'.blue', mynode +'.alpha'])   # onCreate options (like an onload option) # # # For example, you could do this: def setIt(): n = nuke.thisNode() k= n.knob( 'artist' ) user = envTools.getUser() k.setValue(user) nuke.addOnCreate(setIt, nodeClass = "") # retrieve the oncreate function sel = nuke.selectedNodes() code = sel[0]['onCreate'].getValue() print(code) # Or if you want to bake your code directly to a node: code = """ n = nuke.thisNode() k= n.knob( 'artist' ) user = envTools.getUser() k.setValue(user) """ nuke.selectedNode()["onCreate"].setValue(code) # Problem with onCreate is that it's run every time the node is created, which means even open a script will trigger the code.   # replace known nodes nodeToPaste = '''set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 12.2 v10 push $cut_paste_input Group { name DeepToImage tile_color 0x60ff selected true xpos 862 ypos -3199 addUserKnob {20 DeepToImage} addUserKnob {6 volumetric_composition l "volumetric composition" +STARTLINE} volumetric_composition true } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos -891 ypos -705 } DeepToImage { volumetric_composition {{parent.volumetric_composition}} name DeepToImage xpos -891 ypos -637 } ModifyMetaData { metadata { {remove exr/chunkCount ""} } name ModifyMetaData1 xpos -891 ypos -611 } Output { name Output1 xpos -891 ypos -530 } end_group ''' fileName = '/tmp/deleteme.cache' out_file = open(fileName, "w") out_file.write(str(nodeToPaste)) out_file.close() allNodes = nuke.allNodes() for i in allNodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(False) for node in allNodes: if 'DeepToImage' in node.setSelected(True) newNode = nuke.nodePaste(fileName) nuke.delete(node) # force a knob on the same line hdriGenNode.addKnob(lgt_name) # stay on the same line lgt_lightGroup.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) hdriGenNode.addKnob(lgt_lightGroup) # start a new line lgt_extractMode.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) hdriGenNode.addKnob(lgt_extractMode)   # text message per frame set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 12.2 v10 push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 Text2 { inputs 0 font_size_toolbar 100 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 message "MultiplyFloat.a 0.003\nMultiplyFloat2.a 0.35" old_message {{77 117 108 116 105 112 108 121 70 108 111 97 116 46 97 32 32 32 48 46 48 48 51 10 77 117 108 116 105 112 108 121 70 108 111 97 116 50 46 97 32 48 46 51 53} } box {175.2000122 896 1206.200012 1014} transforms {{0 2} } global_font_scale 0.5 center {1024 540} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{175.2000122 974.4000854} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 1024 540 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text20 selected true xpos 1197 ypos -132 } FrameRange { first_frame 1017 last_frame 1017 time "" name FrameRange19 selected true xpos 1197 ypos -77 } AppendClip { inputs 5 firstFrame 1017 meta_from_first false time "" name AppendClip3 selected true xpos 1433 } push 0 Reformat { format "2048 1080 0 0 2048 1080 1 2K_DCP" name Reformat4 selected true xpos 1843 ypos -251 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge5 selected true xpos 1843 } push $cut_paste_input Reformat { format "2048 1080 0 0 2048 1080 1 2K_DCP" name Reformat5 selected true xpos 1715 ypos 80 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge6 selected true xpos 1843 ypos 86 } # check negative pixels set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 12.2 v10 push $cut_paste_input Expression { expr0 "r < 0 ? 1 : 0" expr1 "g < 0 ? 1 : 0" expr2 "b < 0 ? 1 : 0" name Expression4 selected true xpos 1032 ypos -106 } FilterErode { channels rgba size -1.3 name FilterErode4 selected true xpos 1032 ypos -58 } # check where the user is clicking on the viewer area import nuke from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, QEvent, Qt from PySide2.QtGui import QMouseEvent class ViewerClickCallback(QObject): def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # Mouse click detected mouse_pos = event.pos() print("Mouse clicked at position:", mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y()) return super(ViewerClickCallback, self).eventFilter(obj, event) #Create an instance of the callback callback = ViewerClickCallback() #Install the event filter on the application qapp = QApplication.instance() qapp.installEventFilter(callback) qapp.removeEventFilter(callback) ## you can put this under a node's button and close the callback after a given mouse click ## OR closing the callback through a different button import nuke from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, QEvent, Qt from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication class ViewerClickCallback(QObject): def __init__(self, arg1): super().__init__() self.arg1 = arg1 def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # Mouse click detected mouse_pos = event.pos() print("Mouse clicked at position:", mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y(),'\n') if self.arg1 == 'bl': jonasNode['bl'].setValue([mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y()]) qapp.removeEventFilter(callback) return super(ViewerClickCallback, self).eventFilter(obj, event) # Create an instance of the callback callback = ViewerClickCallback('bl') # Store the callback as a global variable nuke.root().knob('custom_callback').setValue(callback) # Install the event filter on the application qapp = QApplication.instance() qapp.installEventFilter(callback) ## on the second button: import nuke # Retrieve the callback object from the global variable callback = nuke.root().knob('custom_callback').value() # Retrieve the QApplication instance qapp = QApplication.instance() # Remove the event filter qapp.removeEventFilter(callback) # collect deepsamples for a given node nodelist = ['DeepSampleB_hdri','DeepSampleA_hdri','DeepSampleB_spheres','DeepSampleA_spheres','DeepSampleB_volume','DeepSampleA_volume','DeepSampleB_furmg','DeepSampleA_furmg','DeepSampleB_furfg','DeepSampleA_furfg','DeepSampleB_furbg','DeepSampleA_furbg','DeepSampleB_checkers','DeepSampleA_checkers'] nodelist = ['DeepSampleB_hdri'] finalSamplesList = [] for nodeName in nodelist: print(nodeName) finalSamplesList.append(nodeName) finalSampes = 0 for posX in range(0,1921): for posY in range(0,1081): nukeNode = nuke.toNode(nodeName) nukeNode['pos'].setValue([posX,posY]) current_posSamples = nukeNode['samples'].getValue() finalSamples = finalSamples + current_posSamples print(finalSamples) finalSamplesList.append(finalSamples) # false color expressions set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 13.2 v8 push $cut_paste_input Expression { expr0 "(r > 2) || (g > 2) || (b > 2) ? 3:0" expr1 "((r > 1) && (r < 2)) || ((g > 1) && (g < 2)) || ((b > 1) && (b < 2))\n ? 2:0" expr2 "((r > 0) && (r < 1)) || ((g > 0) && (g < 1)) || ((b > 0) && (b < 1))\n ? 1:0" name Expression4 selected true xpos 90 ypos 1795 }


Colour – MacBeth Chart Checker Detection
/ colour, photography, production, python

A Python package implementing various colour checker detection algorithms and related utilities.

Google Blocky educational visual programming for Python, Javascript, PHP, LUA, Dart
/ python, software

Blockly is a client-side library for the programming language JavaScript for creating block-based visual programming languages (VPLs) and editors. It is a project of Google and is free and open-source software released under the Apache License 2.0.

Spatial Media Metadata Injector – for 360 videos
/ python, VR

The Spatial Media Metadata Injector adds metadata to a video file indicating that the file contains 360 video. Use the metadata injector to prepare 360 videos for upload to YouTube.


The Windows release requires a 64-bit version of Windows. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, you can still run the metadata injector from the Python source code as follows:

  • Install Python.
  • Download and extract the metadata injector source code.
  • From the “spatialmedia” directory in Windows Explorer, double click on “gui”. Alternatively, from the command prompt, change to the “spatialmedia” directory, and run “python”.




Python mega cheat chart – intermediate course
/ python, software

Intermediate Python Programming Course


Python is multiprocessing but not multi-threaded, due to its native memory management limitations.
When multiple threads are engaged, there is no protection to memory access and racing conditions occurs.
You can work around this by using Jython or IronPython.
Or by using Python as a wrapper to call to c/c++ native code, same as numpy or scipy do.



scikit-learn – Machine Learning A.I. in Python
/ A.I., python, software

Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib Open source, commercially usable – BSD license